Monday, August 13, 2012

More Misfortune in the USA

Monday 13th August 2012 - 11.45am

Still pretty new to the pursuit of blogging so my formatting is not impeccable but I feel a rant coming on.
After close review of my previous entry, alongside enthusiastic feedback requesting more tales of the severe misfortune I have been subject to, I have decided to recap a few novel events that occured in the duration of my first day.
Though I have attained a key to my room, in my jet-lagged stupor I did not enquire how to access the toilets, as it is not habitually a tremendous feat, nor did I request bedding. This absent mindedness lead to my uncomfortable downfall as I found myself resting under a questionable sheet and a bare pillow. Furthermore, on meeting the women's restrooms I found a coded lock for which I did not know the password. Nearly, 15 hours later, I was still using all the strenght I could muster to retain the full bladder I possessed and prevent myself from become the Brit that pissed herself.
Now for some more misfortune, the aforementioned rant has be instigated as BGSU have taken it open themselves to charge me $11,000 for various 'privileges' I have most certainly not requested. The grand total comes to over $6,000 excess what I should be paid, including 3 separate housing bills.
On that note, I'm signing off to devour my free lunch cause by the sounds of it I'm going to need everything I can get.
For any fellow Study Abroad Keelites reading this, I believe this is was Paul and Miriam were referring to when they mentioned the 'W' curve.

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