Friday, September 14, 2012

Where My Falcons At????????????

Friday 14th September 2012 - 3.46pm

As anticipated, the first time experiences are depleting gradually but the excitement certainly isn't. This Friday night was filled with clubbing antics and 'pre-gaming'. Despite my previous misconceptions this does not involve a football game nor an electronic video game but is what we Brits like to call pre-drinking. Following this, I danced my little socks off in the Attic and Skybar - it was thrilling.

Saturday night, however was much less like an average night at home as it gave way to my first American Football game: BGSU Falcons V IDAHO Vandals. Of course, I had no idea what was going on as I have no understanding of rules/regulations regarding American football, just that a series of muscle men in uniforms resembling sumo suits run at each other and tackle for a ball. I assimilate it is closely approximately to rugby.

I will include a photograph when/if I eventually acquire one.

I used to be under the illusion that Britain was a patriotic nation, that is until witnessing my first football crowd. Crowds of BGSU students adorned in orange sweatshirts, embellished with temporary BG falcon stickers and even some spectators endorsing their support in orange body paint, greeted me on entry to the stadium. It was at the moment a morbidly obese man with tangerine colours moobs woddled pass me that I realised, nothing spells patriotism like an American Football game. This alongside our chant 'Ay Ziggy Ziggy Zumba' made the atmosphere all the more exhilarating.

Just previous to half time I was subject to what can only be described as daylight robbery when being charged $4 for a diet carbonated beverage. I can confirm I did not accompany my treat with a corndog at prices like that. Half time brought home memories of my geeky friends back home as we viewed the marching band in all their glory perform a rendition of the Star Trek theme tune. Unfortunately, not long after this I returned home, being the big freeze baby that I am needless to say, next game I will come prepared with woollen clothing so that I can stick it out to the bitter end and watch the post game fireworks.

This week has not been massively exciting as the start of term activities have subsided and all the classes and friends I have discovered recently have settled too. Liz and I changed our room round a little so it looks something like this.

As I cannot stand to be anything but entertained I have arranged a trip to Cleveland for yours truly this weekend. I have been informed its a good place to visit with a couple of nice attractions so I will be back on Monday with a full evaluation of this rumour I'm sure. I have invested in a nice camera, finally that should be arriving in the next few days. I am slightly disgruntled as it will not be here in time for this weekend however this does mean I will probably be setting up a second blog but this one will be photography orientated. Yes, I'm about to become one of those pretentious fuckers that thinks they've made it because the own a DSLR (not even sure if I got the abbreviation right.)

Finally, we have just experienced our first fire and with any luck our last. The firemen are examining the area as I type. Not your average Friday night! On that note, I will bid you all adieu til Monday.

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